Cosmopoem: Andrei Dorian Gheorghe
English translation from the Romanian:
Victor Chifelea and Andrei Dorian Gheorghe
Artwork: Calin Niculae
 Photos: International Meteor Conference 2007 participants
Design: Gabriel Ivanescu

The rambling shell,
stopped by a cluster of stars,
started humming:

“Too many stars…
Too few meteors…
This song cannot be touched
by an inquisitive wish,
as its depth was snowed with rays
by a secret light…”

Like magic,
everybody around started to dance:
comet-horses were waving strange circles,
happy planets were dressing in more rainbows,
cosmic passers-by were waltzing acrobatic leaps,
space rockets were twisting unparalleled ballets,
even stars were shaping their own brightness
after the accents of the song .

“Shut-up you good for nothing!”-
suddenly yelled the Tone-Deaf Tyrant,
getting closer very fast.

But everybody went on with this dance
and the tune continued to drip:

“Too many stars…
Too few meteors…
This song cannot be touched
by an inquisitive wish…”

“Shut-up you fool,
or I’m going to break your vocalizations!”

Another step would have been too much.

The Tyrant moved menacingly.

In a moment,
he became only a bright smoke,
which dispersed
in the universal dust.


Note: The first variant of Cosmic Dance was composed in 1983
(as a cosmopoem of Spaceman Sazartinus’ Diary).
It was first published in 1993 (in the Romanian) and 1995 (in the English),
and republished in the Dialogue Through Poetry 2003 international anthology.

The actual variant was performed by
Andrei Dorian Gheorghe and Valentin Grigore during the Astropoetry Show
of the International Meteor Conference-June 2007 in Bareges (France),
as in the photographs taken by
Jean-Marc Wislez (Belgium; 2,3), Cristina Tinta (Romania; 4,6),
Mihail Robescu (Romania 1,5), Luc Bastiaens (Belgium; 7),
Jeremie Vaubaillon (France; 8) and Casper ter Kuile (Holland; 9),
which were first published by the International Meteor Organization.




-cosmopoezie de Andrei Dorian Gheorghe-

Scoica pribeaga
se oprise la o aglomerare de stele
si se pornise ca sa fredoneze:

“Prea multe stele…
Prea putini meteori…
Cantecul acesta nu poate fi atins
de vreo dorinta indiscreta
caci adancul sau a fost cu raze nins
de o lumina secreta…”

Ca la o magie,
toti cei din preajma incepura dansul:
caii-cometa se unduiau in cercuri stranii,
planetele fericite se imbracau in mai multe curcubee,
pietonii spatiali valsau altceva decat de stia,
rachetele se invartejau intr-un balet nemaivazut,
ba chiar si stelele isi modelau stralucirea
dupa accentele cantecului.

“Taci, nemernico!” –
striga deodata Tiranul Afon,
apropiindu-se intr-o mare viteza.

Dar fiecare isi vazu de dans mai departe,
iar melodia continua sa se prelinga imperturbabila:

“Prea multe stele…
Prea putini meteori…
Cantecul acesta nu poate fi atins
de vreo dorinta indiscreta…”

“Taci, nebuno,
ca-ti fracturez vocalizele!”

Inca un pas si ar fi fost prea mult.

Tiranul se misca amenintator.

Peste o clipa,
din el nu mai ramase decat un fum luminos,
care se rasfira
in praful universal.

© 2007 SARM
(Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy)