After the Romanian Anticommunist Revolution in December 1989,
a group of mountain lovers and a few friends of them
felt free in 1990 to create a cosmopoetry group
(initiated and coordinated by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe),
which a few years later was assimilated by the
Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy-SARM.

This unofficial association -
a precursor of SARM’s astropoetry movement and Cosmopoetry Festival -
was named
Gartzau Order of Great Flights
(after Gartzau’s Cavern in the Carpathian Mountains,
a place seeming like a black hole,
in which some of those cosmopoets had sworn to fight together
against dictatorship and for cosmopoetry.

Their first collective work was composed in 1990,
an allegoric and cosmopoetic drama
marked by the years of totalitarianism
(a term used in East Europe as “totalitarism”),
in which every character was created by a different author.

It was first published in 1996 and launched at the inaugural edition of
SARM’s Cosmopoetry Festival in the same year,
and now it is republished (with small amendments)
in two languages (English and Romanian).


-Gartzau I, The Magnificent, Master Of Visible Ponderous Matter
(Bogdan Ioana, now established in Canada);
-Gartzau II, The Diplomat, Technical Director In Any Space And Time
(Constantin Huth);
-Gartzau III, Astro-Role, Admiral Of Cosmo-Alcohol and Star Reporter
(Victor Chifelea);
-Gartzau IV, He Who…, Great Tunnel-Man and Noble Of Antimatter
(Mircea Bodea, now established in U.S.A.);
-Gartzolette V, Macro-Coquettish and Micro-Naughty, Anyway Very Nimble,
The Stars Amazingly Look At Her While The Satellites Transpire
(Mariana Huth);
-Gartzolette VI, Secretary, Great Walker On The Void
and Clever Climber On Beams
(Mihaela Chifelea);
-Gartzolette VII, Beauty Among Restless Skies
(Cristina Ioana, now established in Canada);
-Intruder With Sad Wings
(Mircea Alexandru Popa);
-Optimistic Astronomer
(Danut Ionescu, now established in New Zealand);
-Satellite’s Consciousness
(Steliana Gheorghe);
-Wonderful Alien
(Costica Gheorghe);
-Gartzau Sazartinus, Supreme Path-Man and Illustrious Compass-Man,
Floating Master
(Andrei Dorian Gheorghe, coordinator).

Action Place:
A chalet suspended among the planets, in which the characters
eat, drink and talk around a table.

Gartzau Sazartinus:
Powerful Gartzaus, made for flight,
And easily defeating any danger,
Inspiring tales which will quiver the Universe,
And making its heart to pulsate
Like a boom, like in a crash,
Throbs convertible into knowledge and ash.

(He drinks a glass of exotic wine.)
A star and a dictator? A light threatened by troubles,
And a character who likes
To eat embers.
He could appear at anytime, from anywhere,
From any incident, from any thought.
He likes to pummel asteroids
And to annihilate comets and meteors.
He definitely thinks that
The brightest stars are directed by foreign energies.
He likes so much to provoke fraternal wars
And to referee inter-beam duels!
He listens to nobody, imagining that
Once God was like him.

Gartzolette VI:
A person is irrational,
And aims at a bestial ideal.

Gartzau IV:
I always felt myself followed by HIS servants,
And tortured by that atmosphere.
Only one dream:
To escape into the Eternal Joy Zone.

Satellite’s Consciousness:
From my fine millenary sleep,
His cosmonauts made me feel a chip.

Intruder With Sad Wings:
An individual spoke
About equality
And climbed a pedestal
To be heard better.
From that place
He saw all people
As equal.

Gartzau I:
I vainly waited for the Carnival -
My golden cloud.
And time was passing…

Gartzau II:
First Lesson For A Star Dictator -
Teacher Astraldamus:
“First you should have a star
(Small or big or close or far)
With agreeable atmosphere,
And you must be its champ (more idiotic than austere).
Student Astralittle:
Oh, but this is quite easy,
Because I know to fly and to seem busy.
So, if I have to choose,
I like to tie
Planets and constellations
To terrible altercations,
And I also like to sting
Them just when I sing…”

Gartzau IV:
He who detests life and reason
So much!
I feel I get sick.
A bloody monster calling out:
“So be it peace!”

Gartzolette VII:
I asked: “Where could I step?”
Useless answer: “Here.”
I exclaimed: “I can’t!”
Useless answer: “You can.”

Gartzau III:
The Star Dictator is he who arranges the flow of the things
And this state exists from the beginning of times
And will continue until all will be worn out.
The Universe has accepted that idea
But things can differently flow.
Even if he masters waves and beams through which
He can blame poor planets
Even if the universal movements (communicated through comets)
Are at his disposal
Even if any planetary heresy can be destroyed
By his agents - the hitting meteorites -
Even if all powers are collected by him
And logically there is no other way
This does not mean that the imposed order is right.
Things can differently flow.

Wonderful Alien:
When something is closed,
You are tempted to ask:
“Is it all closed?”

Gartzolette V:
Oh, that deluding criminal…

Optimistic Astronomer:
If all star systems
Are democratic,
Then whence appear so many

Gartzau Sazartinus:
And whence came this strange breeze, which visits
Our spiritual compound?
Is it even the aura of
The zonal dictator in transit?
If so, is he climbing down or falling up?
Or, maybe it is just the tail
Of a dark comet…

(Tired, the Gartzaus go to sleep.
A foggy, mysterious music comes from far away.
Suddenly, the door of the chalet is violently opened by the Star Dictator -
an appearance which cannot be conventionally framed - and his personal guard.
Awakened and led by Gartzau I The Magnificent,
the Gartzaus begin to fight the invaders and finally rush out into space
through a secondary door.)

Gartzau Sazartinus (floating):
We are specialized to run through the void,
And the Star Dictator cannot observe our flight.
There are many other fighters against the walls too,
And all of us try to conserve the light.

-December 1990-



-Gartaul I, Magnificul, Stapanul Materiei Ponderale Vizibile
(Bogdan Ioana, acum stabilit in Canada);
-Gartaul II, Al Diplomatiei, Director Tehnic In Orice Spatiu Si Timp
(Constantin Huth);
-Gartaul III, Astrochifla, Amiral Al Cosmoalcoolului si Reporter Stelar
(Victor Chifelea);
-Gartaul IV, Cel-Ce…, Mare Tunelar si Nobil Al Antimateriei
(Micea Bodea, acum stabilit in S.U.A.);
-Gartoleta V, Macrococheta si Microrea, In Orice Caz Foarte Sprintena,
Astrii Cand O Vad Se Mira Iar Satelitii Transpira
(Mariana Huth);
-Gartoleta VI, Secretara, Pe Vid Mare Mergatoare,
Pe Raze Iute Cataratoare
(Mihaela Chifelea);
-Gartoleta VII, Frumoasa Dintre Ceruri Zbuciumate
(Cristina Ioana, acum stabilita in Canada)
-Intrusul Cu Aripi Triste
(Mircea Alexandru Popa);
-Astronomul Optimist
(Danut Ionescu, acum stabilit in Noua Zeelanda);
-Constiinta Satelitului
(Steliana Gheorghe);
-Strainul Minunat
(Costica Gheorghe);
-Gartaul Sazartinus, Suprem Potecar si Prea-Ilustru Busolar,
Maestru Plutitor
(Andrei Dorian Gheorghe, coordonator).

Locul Actiunii:
O cabana suspendata intre astre, unde personajele stau in jurul unei mese,
barfesc si consuma cu avant produse alimentare si lichide zonale.

Gartaul Sazartinus:
Vajnici Gartai, facuti pentru zbor,
Ce-nving orice primejdie usor,
Starnind povesti ce Universul vor cutremura,
Facand ca inima lui vasta sa bata uite-asa:
Tip, boc, trosc, bum…!
Batai convertibile-n cunoastere si scrum!

(Soarbe nesatios dintr-un pahar cu o bautura necunoscuta).
Un dictator si-o stea? Lumina pandita de belea.
Un personaj patruns de-un har
De-a consuma cu pofta jar.
El poate aparea oriunde si oricand,
Din orice intamplare, din oricare gand.
El vrea sa pumnuiasca asteroizii,
Sa anihileze cometele si meteorii
Si crede cu tarie ca stelele cele mai luminoase
Sunt cumparate de energii straine.
Ce mult ii place sa le starneasca-n lupte fratricide
Si sa le arbitreze duelurile inter-raze!
N-asculta de nimeni: isi spune ca
Si Dumnezeu a fost ca el, candva…

Gartoleta VI:
Un bestial, prefacut rational,
Tintind spre un anume ideal…

Gartaul IV:
Ma urmareau AI LUI sa ma distruga.
In plus, ma chinuia si atmosfera de acolo.
Un singur vis:
De-a evada spre Zona Sarbatorii Vesnice.

Constiinta Satelitului:
Din somnul de milenii preafrumos,
Cosmonautii m-au intors pe dos.

Intrusul Cu Aripi Triste:
Un individ vorbi
Despre egalitate
Si pentru a fi auzit mai bine
Se urca pe-un piedestal.
De-acolo vazu
Toti indivizii

Gartaul I:
Am asteptat in van Carnavalul,
Norisor de aur.
Si timpul trecea…

Gartaul II:
Prima Lectie Pentru Un Dictator Stelar -
Astraldamus (profesor):
“Intai trebuie sa ai o stea
Oricat de mare sau oricat de grea,
Cu atmosfera placuta,
In care tu, ca fiinta, sa fii ne-ntrecuta.”
Astralisor (elev):
“O, dar asta e usor,
Fiindca stiu acum sa zbor.
Si de-ar fi ca sa aleg,
As vrea inele sa leg,
Planete si constelatii
In cumplite altercatii.
Si de-as zice-un cantec gol,
Sa le am aici, la sol…”

Gartaul IV:
Sa-si bata joc de ratiune
Si de existenta celorlalti!
Te doare mintea!
Un monstru sangeros strigand din rasputeri:
“Sa fie pace!”

Gartoleta VII:
Am intrebat: “Unde sa pasesc?”
Degeaba mi s-a raspuns: “Aici!”
Am exclamat: “Nu mai pot!”
Degeaba mi s-a raspuns: “Ba poti!”

Gartaul III:
Dictatorul stelar este cel ce oranduieste mersul lucrurilor
Iar aceasta stare de fapt exista de la inceputul tuturor timpurilor
Si se continua pana ce vremea se va uza.
Universul s-a obisnuit cu ideea
Dar asta nu inseamna ca lucrurile nu se pot desfasura si altfel.
Desi stapaneste unde si raze prin care
Poate condamna biete planete
Desi informatia universala transmisa prin comete
Se afla la dispozitia sa
Desi orice erezie la nivel planetar poate fi sfaramata
Prin intermediul agentilor sai - meteoritii izbitori -
Desi puterea e stransa toata in el
Si logic nu e alta cale
Asta nu inseamna ca ordinea impusa este justa
Iar lucrurile nu se pot desfasura si altfel.

Strainul Minunat:
Cand ceva e inchis,
Esti tentat sa intrebi:
“E inchis de tot?”

Gartoleta V:
Ah! Cel criminal fraieritoriu!

Astronomul Optimist:
Daca toate sistemele stelare
Sunt democratice,
Atunci de unde
Atatia dictatori?

Gartaul Sazartinus:
Si cum de aparu frigul acesta, ce ne-a vizitat
Compozitia spirituala pret de o clipa?
Sa fi fost chiar dictatorul regiunii,
Aflat in trecere pe aici?
Si daca da, urca sau cadea?
Ori mai degraba fost-a numai coada
Vreunei comete de-ntuneric?

(Brusc, oboseala se asterne fara crutare asupra Gartailor, urmata indeaproape de
fratele-i mai mare, somnul atoatestapanitor. Din adancuri neclare se aude o
muzica sferica, cetoasa. Deodata, usa se deschide violent si, inconjurat de garda-i
personala, apare Dictatorul Stelar, a carui infatisare nu poate fi
incadrata conventional. Gartaii se trezesc buimaci si, in frunte cu Stapanul Materiei
Ponderale Vizibile, arunca asupra adversarilor toate obiectele dure din apropiere,
dupa care tasnesc in spatiu pe usa din spate.)

Gartaul Sazartinus (plutind):
Suntem specialisti in a goni prin vid!
Iar zborul nostru, Dansul nu-l observa!
La fel ca noi, si altii strapung orice zid
Si-un colt de echilibru se conserva!

-Decembrie 1990-

Design: Gabriel Ivanescu
© 2007 SARM
(Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy)