Cosmopoetic Fantasy by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe
(from Spaceman Sazartinus’ Diary;
composed in May 1987)

Photo-art-work by Calin Niculae

Design by Florin Stancu


I don’t remember the name of that planet.
I remember only the Laws of Cosmic Harmony,
predatory comets
governing over there.


These laws were
the most generous in the world,
as the first of them said:

Those who do not respect
the Laws of Cosmic Harmony
are completely free
to commit suicide.


They were so easily practicable:

You don’t need consciousness
in order to apply
the Laws of Cosmic Harmony.


As the planet should not be un-settled
because of the good,
infamy must be protected with love.

We can deduct here
a special care
of the surrounding medium.


If you cannot be on the level
with the best persons,
the only solution is to hunt them.

So the reciprocal hunt
became a planetary sport
practiced with
bullets of envy,
bombs of malice,
torpedoes of opportunism.


The political game
has to be the most complicated
just because it is the simplest.

Many times I heard
the politicians’ exclamations:

“We are so intelligent
because we know to trick so well!”


It is better to be an executioner
than to be a victim.

Because of a terrible competition
for the fist service,
many of the inhabitants preferred to become
grave diggers.


The words are more important
than the deeds.

If you don’t know to explain
that your bad deeds are good,
who can understand you?


The political can defeat the worth
at any time.

Following the superior orders,
a politician could become in any field
the first specialist.


Terror can make the flowers
to bray.

This law had to demonstrate that
the gardeners could plant - if it was necessary -
domestic animals.


The fools must be promoted
because they are the wisest in serving
the Laws of Cosmic Harmony.

The lie, theft and crime
are wonderful when serve
the Laws of Cosmic Harmony.

The worthies in the Laws of Cosmic Harmony
never err.

Irresistible arguments
for peace and concord.


The right of speaking means
the duty to stay silent.

That planet was a cathedral
in which the prayers included
inversions of thoughts.


It is better to be humble and alive
than to be brave and dead.

Because of the menacing increase of the population,
many of the inhabitants were named by force
as courageous.


The best training for the valuable people
is anonymity.

Of course, the sense of this law
was to stop


Without the Laws of Cosmic Harmony,
all citizens would be monsters.

But so, there was
an inflation of angels.


These concepts were eclipsing the rest of the world.

The Laws of Cosmic Harmony
must come off well all the time.
All the other things
are not important.


Frequently, the authorities of that planet
used to summon the normal inhabitants:

“The Laws of Cosmic Harmony
your life?”


The judicial code of the planet concluded:

The Laws of Cosmic Harmony replace
the incapable divinity.
Their application gives birth to general happiness.
Thanks to them, there will disappear:
hunger, poverty, illness, despair,
disgust, suspicion, panic, trouble,
misfortune, enmity, displeasure and resignation.
Everybody will have a long life,
full of satisfactions.
The Laws of Cosmic Harmony have to dominate
even the meteor showers’ outbursts
and the stars’ walking.

“I don’t think so!”
I said.

“So what?”
was the inhabitants’ reply.




Nu imi aduc aminte cum se numea planeta aceea.
Retin doar Legile Armoniei Cosmice,
comete de prada
ce domneau acolo.


Acestea erau
cele mai generoase din lume,
dupa cum consemna prima dintre ele:

Cine nu respecta
Legile Armoniei Cosmice,
are toata libertatea
sa se sinucida.


Erau si extrem de accesibile:

Pentru aplicarea
Legilor Armoniei Cosmice,
nu trebuie sa ai constiinta.


Ticalosia trebuie ocrotita cu multa dragoste
ca sa nu se dezechilibreze planeta
din cauza binelui.

De aici se deduce grija deosebita
pentru mediul inconjurator.


Daca nu poti ajunge in rand cu cei buni,
singura solutie
este sa-i vanezi.

Si vanatoarea de semeni capatase
o amploare uriasa:
tasneau de peste tot
gloantele invidiei,
bombele rautatii,
torpilele oportunismului.


Jocul politicii
trebuie sa para cel mai complicat
tocmai pentru ca este cel mai simplu.

Nu odata am auzit
exclamatiile politicienilor:

-Cat de inteligenti putem sa fim,
fiindca tare bine stim sa pacalim!


Mai bine sa fii calau
decat victima.

Datorita concurentei acerbe
pentru primul post,
multi se multumeau si cu meseria
de gropar.


Vorbele sunt mai importante
decat faptele.

Fiindca daca nu poti sa explici ca le faci bine celorlalti
cand le faci rau,
cine sa te inteleaga?


Politicul poate invinge oricand

Daca se dadea ordin,
un politician putea sa devina in orice domeniu
intaiul specialist.


Teroarea poate face florile
sa raga.

Aceasta lege ii putea determina, desigur,
pe gradinari
sa cultive animale domestice.


Cele mai importante sarcini trebuie sa fie incredintate prostilor
pentru ca ei respecta cel mai intelept
Legile Armoniei Cosmice.

Minciuna, hotia si crima
sunt lucruri minunate
cand servesc Legile Armoniei Cosmice.

Merituosii in Legile Armoniei Cosmice
nu gresesc niciodata.

Argumente irezistibile
pentru pace si concordie.


A avea dreptul sa vorbesti inseamna in primul rand
a avea dreptul sa taci.

Astfel, planeta era o catedrala
in care slujbele cuprindeau
inversari de ganduri.


Decat viteaz si la cimitir,
mai bine umil si in viata.

Pentru ca populatia planetei ameninta astfel sa creasca peste masura,
multi erau facuti curajosi
cu forta.


Cel mai bun antrenament pentru valori
este anonimatul.

De buna seama, aceasta lege era data pentru ca
persoanele valoroase sa nu devina


Toti cetatenii ar fi monstri daca n-ar exista
Legile Armoniei Cosmice.

Asa insa era
inflatie de ingeri.


Importanta acestor concepte eclipsa ce mai ramanea din lume:

Legile Armoniei Cosmice
trebuie sa iasa intotdeauna bine;
restul poate sa iasa


Autoritatile zonale obisnuiau foarte des
sa-i atace pe cetateni si sa-i someze:

-Legile Armoniei Cosmice


Codul juridic al planetei incheia:

Legile Armoniei Cosmice sunt inlocuitoarele
divinitatii incapabile.
Aplicarea lor duce la nasterea fericirii generale.
Vor disparea cu desavarsire, datorita lor:
foametea, saracia, bolile, disperarea,
dezgustul, neincrederea, panica, necazurile,
ghinioanele, dusmania, nemultumirea, resemnarea.
Fiecare va trai mult
si va avea tot ce-si doreste.
Legile Armoniei Cosmice trebuie sa domine
chiar si izbucnirile curentilor de meteori
si mersul stelelor.

-Nu sunt convins! -
le-am spus parerea mea cetatenilor.

-Si ce daca? -
mi-au raspuns ei.

© 2008 SARM
(Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy)