


A minuscule bulb
broken in the abyss;
my God, what galaxies!...



Quadrantid fever -
snowflakes dream of the higher
world of fireflakes



OGLing a cold earth
twenty-thousand light years off
in the Milky Way

1 2 3



Wish for freedom -
reply to the calls
of the starry sky



Mercury too close
to the Sun - but Venus
the well-known “evening star”



I like the nights
with stars hanging by corners
without shadows



Over the horizon
the Winter Triangle
led by Sirius

4 5 6 7



A star in the sky -
another sun
for another person



ashamed of a child’s gaze
the dateless star explodes
and becomes a nova



someone saw two Suns
another one has two Gods
and the first is Me

8 9 10
1-Dominic Diamant (SARM) 2-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (SARM) 3-Gerald England (U.K.) 4-Valentin Grigore (SARM) 5-Arnold Leinweber (SARM)
6-Tina Visarian (SARM) 7-Zigmund Tauberg (SARM) 8-Ion Moraru (SARM) 9-Diana Maria Ogescu (SARM) 10-Boris Marian (SARM)