(from Spaceman Sazartinus’ Diary)

Cosmopoetic Fantasy by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe
(composed between March 1986 and November 1986)
English translation from the Romanian by Victor Chifelea
Images and Design by Gabriel Ivanescu


My tiredness just collected dreams
in narrow nests,
on a desolate planetoid.

There weren’t signs
for a dance of matter.
There weren’t elements
to call out their own rights
to be included into a memory.

Just a few irregular rocks
like optimal values
of silence.


It seemed I was dreaming
close to a green mountain.
A strange whirlpool was groaning
and flowing to me.
Frightened, I tried to run away,
but suddenly,
in the middle of that danger,
I felt love’s breath,
a traffic sign
to the guidance of my dream.


I was climbing the high vicinity.
(Mountains are original houses
in which Nature accommodates
some of its calculations.)

I was climbing in a hurry,
but strong walls hid the top.
(“Take care,”
one day an old man had said to me,
“seconds are time’s bricks.”)

Then I understood:
That mountain was also love,
and I was just a minuscule being
unable to surpass its collar -
a lace of stone.


When I woke up,
a magic transparent meteorite
was rolling to me
(or maybe it was an immense tear
lost from a mysterious weep.)

Inside, the woman from my dream.
In the woman, a magnetic soul.

We were two different worlds
face to face.

(That because the tear
stopped unexpectedly beside me,
a desertion from the laws
of slide.)


Only the border could be
an interval of affection.
(Each step into the other world
would have meant death.)
Only that was allowed for us,
and a bead of time.

Eyes, and palms, and lips -
separated dimensions
and crippled spies,
attached to love.


And what a big deal to be happy?

The muscles of mind fall into ruin,
only one color starts dominating,
the respiration becomes negligent…

Suspended psychic excavations
in an illusory territory,
limited like a zonal gravity.


We could consider everything
as a travelling light
in a closed circuit,
like a double star
(my body, her body).

Coronets of sparks
created a paradise
hidden to any sun.

But we had to take care
of that alternation
in order to keep the equilibrium line.

Everything became a dense, rhythmic motion:
forward, backwards, up, down…

But the game still remained
extremely dangerous.


If the border would have been
a witch,
and we would have been
two incantations
called by her gestures,
then we would have caught
our longings
as two hands,
and in the space of magic
we would have created
a tender confusion.


Removing the waves of memory,
we would see on the stage of thoughts
that the meteor cascades
are not similar.

(Anyway, the collapse could be
the unforeseeable light
of a tree
with thousands of wings
of cinders.)


Love as a touch
without an embrace?

The light is limping,
losing a gigantic sun.


If the border would have been
a compass
like a classical “black hole”,
we would have become
deceptive cardinal points
to keep the vigilance of love.

If the border would have been
a track
like an unknown “worm hole”,
we would have run enthusiastic
to the arrival line
as two equal champions of love.


But our bead
removed its brightness,
pushed by
an indifferent cosmic breeze.

We knew that soon
nothing would be the same.

Not even the Universe,
future multiplier
of sadness.




Oboseala imi adunase vise
in cuiburi neincapatoare,
pe un planetoid dezolat.

Nici un semn nu prevestea
vreun dans al materiei.
Nici un element nu-si striga
de a intra intr-o memorie.

Doar cateva neregulate pietre
ca niste valori optime
ale tacerii.


Se facea ca visam
la poalele unui munte verde.
Gemea alaturi un vartej
care curgea spre mine.
Inspaimantat, am incercat sa fug
si deodata,
in centrul primejdiei,
am simtit respiratia iubirii,
semn de circulatie
pentru directionarea visului.


Escaladam inalta vecinatate.
(Muntii sunt lacasuri ale Naturii,
in care dansa isi cazeaza
o parte din calcule.)

Urcam grabit, dar varful
se vadi ascuns de ziduri solide.
(“Ai grija,” -
imi spusese candva un batran -
“secundele sunt caramizile anilor.”)

Am inteles atunci ca muntele
tot iubire era,
iar eu doar o fiinta minuscula,
incapabila in a-i depasi gulerul -
dantela de piatra.


Cand m-am trezit,
spre mine se rostogolea
un magic meteorit transparent
sau poate o imensa lacrima.
(Din ce planset pierduta?)

Inauntru-i, femeia din vis.
In femeie, un suflet magnetic.

Eram fata in fata
doua taramuri diferite.

(Aceasta pentru ca lacrima
se oprise langa mine brusc,
dezertare din legile


Doar granita putea fi
o dragoste impartasita.
(Orice pas in lumea celuilalt
ar fi insemnat moarte.)

Atata ne era permis
si o margea de timp.
Ochii, palmele, buzele noastre -
dimensiuni separate
si spioni handicapati,
atasati iubirii.


Si ce mare lucru sa fii fericit?

Muschii mintii se atrofiaza,
o singura culoare incepe sa domine,
respiratia se face neglijenta…

Sapaturi psihice sistate
intr-un teritoriu iluzoriu,
limitat ca o gravitatie zonala.


Am fi putut considera totul
drept o lumina calatoare
intr-un circuit inchis
ca o stea dubla.
(Trupul meu, trupul dansei.)

Cununi de scantei
formau un paradis
ascuns oricarui soare.

Trebuia insa multa grija,
zabovirea intr-una din parti sa nu fie nici lunga, nici grea,
ca sa nu se indoaie linia echilibrului.

Totul devenea o miscare densa, ritmata:
inainte, inapoi, in sus, in jos…

Dar jocul continua sa ramana
la fel de periculos.


Daca granita ar fi fost
o vrajitoare
iar noi am fi fost
doua descantece
chemate de gesturile sale,
de doruri atunci
ne-am fi prins
ca de maini
si-n spatiul magiei
am fi creat
o tandra confuzie.


Inlaturand voalurile memoriei,
pe scena gandurilor s-ar vedea
ca nici o cascada de meteori
nu seamana cu alta.

(Sau, ma rog, prabusirea poate fi
si zborul imprevizibil
al unui arbore
cu mii de aripi
din cenusa.)


Iubirea ca atingere
fara infasurare?

Lumina schioapata, pierzandu-si
un gigantic soare.


Daca granita ar fi fost
o busola
ca o clasica “gaura neagra”,
inselatoare puncte cardinale
am fi devenit,
sa pastram vigilenta dragostei.

Daca granita ar fi fost
o pista
ca o necunoscuta “gaura de vierme”,
am fi alergat entuziasti
spre linia sosirii
ca doi campioni egali ai iubirii.


Dar margeaua noastra
isi indeparta lucirea,
de-o indiferenta adiere.

Stiam ca in curand
nimic nu va mai fi la fel.

Nici Universul,
viitor multiplicator
al tristetii.

 © 2008 SARM
(Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy)