A Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy-SARM celebration
of 130 years since Spiru Haret (1851-1912)
presented at Paris the first Romanian major work in astronomy history
(entitled “Sur l’invariabilite des grandes axes des orbites planetaires”)

Photo: Calin Niculae
Astropoetry by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe
Astrophotography by Romanian Sky Lovers
Design by Florin Stancu
Between an earthly conjunction
and a heavenly conjunction
there is a secret resolution.

Earthly Conjunction
Photo: Gabriel Ivanescu (Bucharest)

Heavenly Conjunction (Jupiter and Venus in the Morning Aurora)
Photo: Valentin Grigore (Royal Court of Targoviste)

Mercury before Sunset over Targu Mures
Photo: Eugen Florin Marc
Sweet atmosphere -
the best painter of the world
and a global angel

Zodiacal Light over the Keys of Turda
Photo: Catalin Timosca

Jupiter and Venus
Photo: Dan Mitrut (Bacau County, Romania, North Hemisphere)

Jupiter and Venus, plus Moon
Photo: Valentin Grigore (Royal Court of Targoviste, Romania, North Hemisphere)
planets need to be closer
one another
in order to talk
about the Sun,
their designer.

Mercury and Venus, plus Moon
Photo: Danut Ionescu (Auckland, New Zealand, South Hemisphere)

Moon and Mercury
Photo: Danut Ionescu (Auckland, New Zealand, South Hemisphere)
If I would live on the Sun,
I would see the Earth
occulting Saturn.
If I would live on Saturn,
I would see the Earth
transiting the Sun.
Three heavenly bodies
on the same unseen line:
You magnificent Sun,
crowned by gorgeous beams,
You minuscule Earth,
crowned by human life,
You proud Saturn,
crowned by pompous rings.
As I live on Earth,
I don’t see anything special
…but I feel myself
like a balance
with two unequal scales
for two different lights.

The Sun with Prominences
Photo: Adrian Bruno Sonka (Bucharest Municipal Observatory, Romania)

An Astropoet on Earth
Photo: Calin Niculae

Saturn at Opposition
Photo by Maximilian Teodorescu (Magurele, Romania)
Sometimes the warrior Mars
attacks heavenly dangerous elements
(such as the Beehive Cluster)
not to be wrongly neglected.

Mars close to M44 (Praesepe or Beehive) in Cancer
Photo by Maximilian Teodorescu (Magurele, Romania)
© 2008 SARM
(Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy)