- an inaugural speech by
Dimitrie Olenici and Andrei Dorian Gheorghe
read at the International Meteor Conference
in Pucioasa, Romania, 21-24 September 2000
(for which SARM was the local organizer)
and first published by the
International Meteor Organization
in 2001
in the Proceedings of this event -

In his article “Meteors, Comets, Millennialism”
(WGN - the Journal of the IMO, 27, 1999),
Alastair McBeath tells about he who created the dating of
Christian chronology,
Dyonisius Exiguus
(c. 500-560 A.C.),
using the new dating notation
“Anno Domini”
in his work
“Liber de Paschal”,
published in Rome (c. 530 A.C.),
his importance for astronomy being obvious.

We are in measure to add that Dyonisius Exiguus was native
from Scytia Minor (the Dobrogea province later),
placed in the south-east of actual Romania.

This is the reason for the SARM
(Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy)
called 2000 as “Year Dyonisius Exiguus in Romania”,
and consider a privilege that the last IMC of the this millennium
is organized at only 200 km distance from the places where
the founder of Christian chronology was born.



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